Date: May 13, 2012.


 1.  Description
 2.  Installing and running Bibtex-arxiv-pdf
 3.  Requirements
 4.  Download Links
 5.  Links

1. Description

The application Bibtex-arxiv-pdf will import the data of a paper published in the arXiv later than 2006 in BibDesk. When the abstract of the arXiv entry is the front document in Firefox, while the corresponding pdf file of the paper has already been saved to the disk named by its arxiv identifier without the version number, e.g., if the arxiv identifier is 1104.1234v1 then the pdf file should be named „1104.1234.pdf“, Bibtex-arxiv-pdf should be run either triggered by a „Service Command“ , see Section 2, or by clicking the application’s icon in the dock.

Note that the pdf file has to be saved to the directory

Besides the usual fields Bibtex-arxiv-pdf will fill two additional fields, namely, the text field „Eprint“ and the local file field „Local-Url“ which have to be defined in BibDesk’s preferences as default fields by the user. The field „Eprint“ will contain a link to the arxiv entry which will automatically be included by bibtex if the style file „hamsplain.bst“ is used. When hyperref is called this will be formatted as a hyperlink, cf. [2]. The field „Local Url“ will contain a link to local pdf file.

The screen shot, displayed below, also contains the fields „Note“ and „Doi“ which are text fields being recognized by the style „hamsplain.bst“ , cf. [1].


Note that Bibdesk should be running and the desired .bib file
be the front document.

2. Installing and running Bibtex-arxiv-pdf

Install the application in the Applications folder


Bibtex-arxiv-pdf will run in the background when called and it will quit when its job is done or an error is thrown. Included in the downloaded zip folder is a workflow „Run Bibtex-arxiv-pdf.workflow“ which should be installed in ~/Library/Services

~/Library/Services/Run Bibtex-arxiv-pdf.workflow

It will then be available in Firefox’s Service menu


and can be called by a keyboard shortcut which has to be defined in System Preferences.


3. Requirements

Bibtex-arxiv-pdf requires OS 10.6 or later.

4. Download Links

The application as well as the style file and the workflow can be downloaded from here.

5. Links

Home page, Flashmode, RAMDisk, Pdfselect, TEX Scripts, Books, Preprints, Former Students, Veranstaltungen, Lecture Notes


[1]    Claus Gerhardt, An energy gap for Yang-Mills connections, Comm. Math. Phys. 298 (2010), 515–522, arXiv:0908.0767, doi:10.1007/s00220-010-1073-0.

[2]    _________ , Inverse curvature flows in hyperbolic space, 2011, arXiv:1101.2578.

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany